where to see the Japanese Bitter Orange
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More information about Poncirus trifoliata
Hull Poncirus trifoliate
Prior to 2006, I had had no reports of mature Poncirus trifoliata specimens growing in the north of England, so I was particularly pleased to hear  from botanical artist Nikki Abramson with news and photos of this specimen. The plant is growing in the front garden of a private house in  Park Avenue, Hull and is known to be over forty years old.
Trunk of Hull Poncirus
Winter  photos by local resident Mrs. A.N.Abramson
page created 28th April 2006
Newby Hall added 29th April 2012
Belsay Hall added 7th May 2012

Park Avenue, Hull
Newby Hall, near Ripon
I have not seen the tree myself, but have come across a  photo on the internet - with thanks to Nick W. and Picasa Web Albums.
At one time the official Newby Hall website had a map and plantlist with locations, but I can't find it any more. However, it is mentioned as being in the 'Autumn Garden', which you can locate from my interactive map.
North of England specimens

Belsay Hall & Gardens, Northumberland
Another Poncirus trifoliata specimen that I can't claim to have seen myself, but notable for being  the furthest North I have so far located in England!
Although difficult to judge the age of the plant without seeing the trunk, it is mature enough to have at least a few flowers.
This photo, originally found on the davesgarden.com website, was taken in June 2008 by Sue Taylor and reproduced here with her permission.
Belsay Hall is an English Heritage property.
Use my
interactive map to locate the plant

Sue Taylor