Poncirus Trifoliata in Hamburg's Old Botanic Garden
page created 21st November 2013
Poncirus Trifoliata in Bremen
There is an excellent specimen on the terrace outside the greenhouses of the Alter Botanischer Garten, also called 'Planten un Blomen'
To locate with GoogleMaps:
All these photos were taken in September, 2013.
You can see plenty of fruits, but not yet turning to their final orange-yellow colour. There are also some autumn flowers, which is not unusual for the species.

Another three Hamburg Poncirus trifoliata plants are reported to be in the
Klein Flottbek "Loki-Schmidt Garten"  at co-ordinates    53.559985, 9.860729
                          53.561635, 9.861163
                          53.561660, 9.861096
and one in Arboretum Ellerhoop at
approximately    53.716820, 9.775802